Prostitute Steals Lover Prostitute Steals Mans $25K Rolex Watch And Hides It In Her Thing [See Photo]

Shacarye Tims is a New York lady who stole an Australian tourist’s $25,000 (£15,600) Rolex in her private after convincing him to take it off during a massage.

She then started complaining that Brenton Price’s luxury time piece was scratching her as she rubbed him down in his room at the Holiday Inn hotel.

As soon as he removed the watch and placed it by the bedside, she then took Rolex and hide into her private.

It was only when Price turned around that he realised Tims had stolen the watch and she made a dash for it, police said.

He then chased and caught Tims, who reportedly unleashed a flurry of blows at him.

Tims then allegedly owned up to the theft and pulled out the Rolex, which had been hidden in her body.


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