“Don’t lose the cherry, honey child.”every thoughtful mother said to their girl child.
“You gotta wait until Prince Charming comes along. You will know he is the right one to give that treasure to. And preferably you will be married to him by then.”
And so we held onto the cherry for as long as we could. But finally at some point we lost it. Perhaps in an awkward fumble in the banana plantation. Or at some high end bed and breakfast. We finally did. And for most girls, it was a huge disappointment. Was this what it was all about? Was this the fruit that we had been forbidden for so long? That we had saved ourselves for…
Many fumbles later, borne with great distaste and awkwardness and disgusting groping, and sometimes just a whiff of “oh almost got there” ecstacy, we became accustomed to just giving in. Perhaps the guy had begged for a month. Or by terrible luck you had gone out with the wrong toad and he refused to take you home and you ended up in his room and he begged and begged and begged until you just gave in to stop the incessant irritating nagging pleading and just wanted to sleep off the booze…
Oh, siex in the 20s…a horrible nightmare for so many women, so disappointing,encompassing none of that fiercely tender wholehearted surrender that was in the romantic movies, that moment that would last a lifetime…just not there…
Fastforward to 35 and over…now, this is a major milestone for women. Sigh…this is the magic age when women come into their own. Sigh again with me…Confident, strong, great bodies, charm, all the awkwardness is gone. In short, this is the age when women also come into their siexual peak. Remember how horny and randy guys were at age 18?? Yes, that age when you wanted to shove it into every passing skirt.
Now imagine the horror for gentle ladies when they turn 35 and turn into raging lunatics. Yes, the genteel magazines call it the ladies’ siexual peak. But let’s not get too sentimental. What’s a fact is that at 35, ladies suddenly have bodies over which they have no control. They are lunatics. They have hormones. And they want to have constant siex.
But oh look, by the time, ladies actually want to indulge in that fire, they are probably into their fifth year of marriage and they have two children and they have husbands that have settled into a routine. A routine that’s not satisfactory by most standards. Well, some of you will say that good partners can work things through. But you just don’t get it, do you? You men, want to assume that you can completely satisfy that woman, while in truth, you can’t. You had your raging moments when you were eighteen. And now it’s too late. You don’t have the ability to satisfy that woman. Yet, you the holy Joe, seriously believe that, your woman must not step out on you. You do not see that she has a need. A need that must be satisfied. A need which I must here stress that you are unable to satisfy because you, dear dear man, peaked at eighteen, and pursued every skirt and are worn out. You are not up to the task.
Now what does genteel society dictate? That the woman must restrain herself and tame those raging hormones. Never mind that it is a biological need. Never mind that you no longer satisfy her. You don’t have the ability. Never mind that she doesn’t have the ability to control herself. Guys, you understand, you were there at eighteen…
I have seen so many of you, dear friends post stuff on how the world is ending, because women, horror of horrors, married women hide their rings and go in search of siex outside marriage. And you in your holier than thou attitude, shout loudest. What is wrong with married women? I skim through your posts. And I see that you are still young. You are in your 20s. And I think…oh shiiit! Another innocent soul that doesn’t understand that married women are trapped in their changing bodies and must just have it…they must satisfy that oh so waaaaarrm fuzzy feeling in the fur…you feel me?
It’s crazier when a husband and wife have a long distance marriage. And that waaarm fuzzy feeling turns up religiously every month, and wants to be scratched soooooo bad and there’s no one to do so. And yet you still insist that that woman who is not in control of her body, who has the raging disastrous hormones of an eighteen year old boy, must control herself….or you the man are right there, but you have been working hard at your corporate job and are all stressed out by your new responsibilities and just want to sleep…and your 35 year old lady turned 18 year old boy is staring at you…willing you to hold her, and you don’t have the energy…and the 23 year old boy next door is having a go at his latest girlfriend and you can hear the mmhs and oohs through the paper thin apartment walls…and you just don’t have the energy…
Again, I ask, why aren’t married women of a certain age allowed by society to step out and satisfy their needs? I stress, it’s a need, not a want…


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