Signs That A Beautiful Woman Is Single And Searching
If a woman is single, she will show interest openly, while taken ones will not show any interest in men whenever they go out. In fact, those who already have a boyfriend will not bother to look around.
So here are the signs that a beautiful woman is single and you should make that critical move:
1 When you happen to spot a beautiful woman in a club, lock eyes and smile at her. If she smiles back, known that she might be single.
2 Those who are single have a flirty attitude, and tend to talk to other men frequently. However, women who are already taken tend to avoid these situations.
3 Single women pay attention to what's happening around them. However, taken ones have a body language that suggest being in a defensive position. They avoid ''extra-curricular'' activities in the club.
4 If this woman consistently hangs out in a group of women all the time, she might be single. However, if you only spot her one time, she might not be single per say.
5 Single ladies are flirty with men. They play with their hair a lot, they laugh at jokes, even if they are not funny, etc. Watch for these signs.
6 If she accidentally touches you all the time, laughs at your jokes, gives plenty of details about herself, spends more time with you etc, it's a sign that they are single. It's safe to make that critical move.
There you have it. Watch for these signs if you're hunting. You don't want to be disappointed when you approach a woman who has already been taken.
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