It doesn't take hard work to convince an African, specifically a Nairobian, that they are a reality. Over the years, we've been fooled to believe in them. Some of the myths we've held on for so long are just outrageous, spooky or plain nonsense. Here are some of the lies we've been told for so long:

1 Ground nuts and male potency
There's no connection between roasted groundnuts and male erection. The only thing we know is that groundnuts contain protein, so they'll only aid in sperm production, nothing else.

2 Eggs and pregnant women
There's no harm when a pregnant woman eats eggs. For a long time, people have held on to this myth that pregnant women should not eat eggs because it will result in them giving birth to babies with defects. It's a plain lie, so long as they are cooked properly, eggs are safe to eat when you're pregnant.

3 You're yawning because you're hungry
It's not always true that when someone yawns they are angry. Yawning takes place because of many reasons. For example, seeing someone else yawning will trigger yawning in an individual. Sometimes fatigue or hunger will cause one to yawn as well.

4 Sex and semen increase the size of butts, breast and hips in ladies
Well, there's no scientific proof that sex or semen has the ability to affect any one of those. It's foolish to think that you should get sex frequently to boost the size of your butts, hips or breast. The ability for these things to grow depends purely on genetics and nothing else.

5 Smelly breath is caused by poor oral hygiene
Have you ever come across someone with a perfect set of teeth, extremely clean yet the whole environment is smelling of his breath? Bad breath doesn't necessarily have to occur because of poor oral hygiene. Sometimes the person involved has an underlying medical problem, or sometimes they've eaten food such as garlic, onions etc.

6 Some diseases can only be treated by witchdoctors
If that was the case, we wouldn't have patients dying in the hands of the so called ''witchdoctors''. This is pure belief that doesn't hold water.


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