We all want to find someone we can love genuinely for
who they really are. We also want to feel loved not just
by words but also by action. There are different ways in
which we all want to be loved. That’s why its important
to find out how your significant other wants to be loved
or how he/she feels loved most.
So whats your love language?
Today we learn about the five languages of love.
1. Gifts
For some, they feel more loved when they are showered
with gifts every so often. By gifts, I don’t necessarily
mean expensive and big gifts. It could be a bracelet, a
necklace, a flower, a tie, a belt or chocolates; something
that you won’t have to dig so much into your pocket.
2. Acts of service
People from this group feel more loved when you do
something for them. For example helping them in house
chores like washing dishes, mopping the house,
delivering mail to them, wiping their shoes, unhanging
clothes from the clothes lines etc. When you do these
small acts for them, they feel very loved.
3. Touch
These are people who, unless you touch them once in a
while, they woun’t feel loved. By touch, I mean holding
hands, rubbing their back, hugging, pecking and
basically been physically close to them.
4. Words of affirmation
There are these ones who thrive in words of affirmation.
They feel more loved when their loved ones tell them
sweet little nothings. They love it when their partner
compliments them, tells them words like I love you, I
care for you, I adore you, you are special to me, your
beautiful, I love your muscles and the likes.
5. Quality time
These are the kind of persons who love to spend quality
time with their loved ones. For them you need to make
time for them or create time no matter how busy your
schedule is.
They love to hang out with their loved ones either by
going to the movies, swimming, picnics, dates, at your
house or camping. They basically enjoy your company.
We all have one dominant love language that when done
to us, we feel more loved. The reason it is key to know
your partners love language is that you could be
expressing love to them in a way that they understand.
You could be showering her with gifts yet she doesn’t
care for gifts. All she wants is for you to hold her hand.
You could also be telling her all these ‘lovey dovey’stuff
but all she wants is for you to make time for her.
So how do you know your partner’s love language?
First of all, you should be able to communicate with
your partner and ask them whether they feel loved and
when they normally feel loved at most. That will help
you determine what really makes them feel loved.
Secondly, most people show love in the way they would
like to be loved. For example if your partner keeps
showering you with gifts, then receving gifts is her love
language. If your partner wants to spend time with you
all day, then quality time is her love language.
One can have two or three love languages but there is
always one that is more dominant. This, however, does
not mean that you should abandon all the other love
languages altogether after you find out your partner’s
love language. Love is more fulfilling when all these are
incoporated to make your relationship more fulfilling.
So there you have it! Have a love-filled day.
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