There are plenty of "types" of s3x that turn people on. I've compiled a list, and I think it proves that tension is the ultimate spark that creates great/fun s3x:
1.Makeup s3x
Makeup s3x is the release of tension created by an argument. It appeals to humankind's masochistic side: the emotional pain of an argument, cured by the high of healing through great s3x.
I wonder if people start arguments with their significant other just to set up the possibility of makeup s3x. I'm so hard headed, and bent on winning, that once the arguing starts, I can't stop.
I'd probably still be thinking: "did I give in too easily," right in the middle of the s3x.
2.Random s3x
The one night stand/random encounter is much like eating McDonald's. While you're doing it, it feels amazing, but afterward you feel awful and guilty.
While a one night stand might pump up my ego, I bury myself in shame afterward, worrying about all the other consequences of the risk I took.
3.Risky s3x
People get a thrill from the possibility of being caught (perhaps in an airplane bathroom), or having something go terribly wrong (like doing it on a roof, or somewhere dangerous).
I have enough to worry about during s3x, so I shouldn't set myself up to worry about more.
4.Spontaneous s3x
Spontaneous s3x is the "grab each other and go at it" style. Of course, this could happen anytime, anywhere, so you end up diving on to a kitchen table, for example, and going at it on a whim.
Movies set a high standard for spontaneous s3x. It's a hot idea, but I'm not sure I could make it as good as they do in the movies. I'm rarely hyper focused on attraction or s3x enough at random times to engage in grabbing her and going at it.
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5.Kinky s3x
From dressing in a mascot suit, to having people watch you, to threesomes, kinky s3x would be defined as anything outside the realm of normalcy. "Normalcy" is a relative term, varying from person to person, so it's complicated.
Personally, I would need to be extremely comfortable with someone to try certain things. Also, I'm way too lazy to get too kinky. The process of shopping for, and applying things (such as costumes or handcuffs) is way too much effort.
While I consider myself someone who likes to do outlandish things, I'm still struggling to get comfortable with s3x. If regular s3x is Algebra I, then kinky s3x is Trigonometry.
6.Forbidden s3x
For some reason, I think forbidden s3x is pretty hot. Perhaps it appeals to my desire to test the boundaries and do the wrong thing from time to time.
Cheating on someone or with someone, hooking up with your best friend's ex, a co-worker, or the person that your friends and/or family don't approve of would all be considered forbidden s3x. I've had a few scrapes with this, but I should stick to fantasizing. Forbidden s3x is forbidden because someone, somewhere, will be hurt.
7.Consistent Casual s3x
Casual s3x can be exciting because there are no strings attached and you can experiment because your comfort level grows with each encounter.
But I think casual s3x is impossible and unhealthy, because at some point someone will care, and most likely get hurt for caring.
Some of these types can overlap. For example, you could have Spontaneous Random Forbidden Kinky Risky s3x.
Almost all s3x is culmination in a way, whether there's a short or long period of tension-building. The right tension building and correct timing and release of this tension is all you need.
Many of these types of s3x might help in keeping a s3x life spicy in long term relationships. People are constantly looking for new ways to build tension as their relationships mature. Hopefully they avoid negative ways (cheating), and focus on cultivating this tension with their significant others.
What type of s3x turns you on the most? What are your thoughts on my list, and what would you add to the list? What role does tension play in good s3x for you?
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