5 Most Amazing Things That Men Have Done for Love
When we are in love, we are on top of the world. I personally feel lighter, happier, and am bubbling over with hope. I have an extra pep in my step and more strut in my walk. I smile brighter and laugh louder. ‘Cause love is a beautiful thing.
Love is so moving that it leads us to do unbelievable things. Take the Taj Mahal, for example. It stands there today as a memory of emperor Shah Jahan’s third wife. Over 300 years old, the mausoleum is the epitome of all-consuming love and what the “L” word motivates us to do for the object of our affection.
Thankfully, you don’t have to create a historical landmark to show your love. Here are the most amazing things men have done for love (on a civilian’s budget).
1. Donate an Organ
We’ve watched this scene play out on “Grey’s Anatomy.” A loved one needs an organ and their husband, wife, lover or sometimes mistress(!!!) is willing to get sliced to donate said body part. It also happens in real life. Remember the time George Lopez’ wife, Ann Serrano, donated her kidney to save his life? That’s real love. Yes, they are now divorced, but she loved him at the time!
2. Become Extra Charitable
Your loved one passes away and you just can’t live in the same home. So you give it to charity. That’s what love did to Curt Chergosky after his fiancee, Andrea, died. He was beside himself so he gave his $4 million dollar farm to Andrea’s other passion — the 4-H youth club in their home town of Minnesota.
3. Proposing Out Loud
Not every man chooses to propose the old fashion way. Some men love their future wives (hopefully) so much that they propose out loud. Take Rob, who proposed thousands of feet in the sky over an airplane intercom. He shocked his now wife with the romantic proposal, recording the entire event to share with friends and family when they landed.
Other men actually fall out of the sky to prove that they’ve fallen – in love. Josh jumped off of a building holding the sign, “Me?” On the floor lay three other signs: WILL YOU MARRY. Thankfully she said I do. And he didn’t break a limb!
4. Relocating for Love
Many folks fall in love with someone from another town, another state, heck, even another country. So relocating for love isn’t that amazing, right? Wrong. Moving away for from all you know – sometimes even family and friends – is a big sacrifice. You are restarting your entire life.
Do you know what’s even more unbelievable? Being a soldier in Vietnam and falling in love with a young woman after you’ve spent a year teaching her family the English language. Before returning to the United States, you tell her you will return for her. And you do. You keep your promise and travel back to Vietnam. You marry her and live your lives in the US, retelling your true love story to your children. That’s a true story, as incredible as it seems. That’s the power of love.
5.Changing Faith and Religion for the sake of your love.
Looking at their amazing lie principles from the Bible or Quran has made many believers switch faith to be with the love of their life.
This is sometimes not likeable as you need a true calling towards a faith but men still do it for love too.
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Photo Credit: Flickr.com/dskley.
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