Have you ever wondered how men are different from women? Well, when most of us are asked this question, they'll point out the obvious difference, which has to do with the genitals, and may be the emotions part of it.

Okay, the following differences will shock you, and perhaps, they'll make you laugh out your ribs.

1 When packing
Women start packing a month earlier. They worry about what they could have forgotten, and make a list-long of items they want packed. On the other hand, men care very little about that crap. Here's a picture to highlight those facts.
2 Women worry of what to wear and what not to wear, men don't
While it's true that women are always cautious of how they want to look, sometimes they just overdo it. They tend to worry more about clothing than even food.
3 Women are more sluggish than men when preparing to go out
All men hate it when women say, ''Just 3 minutes'', because the 3 minutes will always turn into hours. I personally hate it too
4 Women tend  to be sweet towards their girlfriends than men towards their male friends.
Here's a case where a woman goes drinking and then throws up. On the other hand, a man finds himself in the same situation.The responses are just freaking hilarious!
5 And when they pose for group photos, men tend to be more relaxed and composed than women. Ladies just exaggerate everything here.


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